Cultivating Well-Being With the PERMA Model Of Positive Psychology
Psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman started out during a bleaker time for psychology, when the discipline was focused on treating illness rather than helping people flourish. As a founder of Positive Psychology, Dr. Seligman forged a path that celebrates the best qualities of human nature.
Seligman’s PERMA model focuses on five attributes that describe well-being:
P = Positive Emotions
E = Engagement
R = Relationships
M = Meaning And Purpose
A = Achievements And Accomplishments
Theories of Positive Psychology are based on research and empirical evidence that demonstrate techniques that lead to well-being. It was found that of 24 Character Strengths and Virtues, Gratitude and a Love Of Learning correlate most positively with well-being. For example, it was discovered that people who take a few moments at night to reflect on three things that go well during the day and why they went well will report improvements on depression and well being. These three things don’t need to be major. By simply writing down three small events during the day — for example walking the dog or talking to your friend — subjects gained benefits in well-being that are statistically significant.
Dr. Seligman and his colleagues found that while an optimistic outlook is partially hereditary, interventions prove that there are techniques that can transform a dreary outlook to a positive one. Positive Psychology is about using science to find out what makes us flourish and to take steps that lead to well-being.
It was a long time coming. By the end of the 20th century, psychology had come to mean the study and treatment of mental illness. Positive Psychology focuses on what he we want, mental health, and not what we don’t want, mental illness. Seligman’s PERMA Framework is a systematic approach that defines what it means to be healthy.
Positive Emotion is the quality that lets us look forward, to take on challenges with the strength of optimism.
Engagement, as the opposite of withdrawal, means that we are active in our communities, taking positive steps and working towards mutual goals.
Relationships mean that we are focusing on working with others, learning from them, as team players, with mutual respect.
Meaning is that sense of purpose that comes from working towards goals, towards finding value in our activities.
Accomplishment And Achievement point to acting meaningfully, doing things that have value and contribute to the benefit of others.
The Gratitude exercise is just one of many ways we can support well-being. The PERMA model is a road map to creating well-being and healthier lives.